October 5, 2019 – Supreme Works Publications http://www.supremeworkspublications.com Thu, 06 Apr 2023 21:36:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 Tears I Cry In Private 2 http://www.supremeworkspublications.com/product/tears-i-cry-in-private-2-kindle-edition/ Sat, 05 Oct 2019 17:19:12 +0000 http://www.supremeworkspublications.com/product/tears-i-cry-in-private-2-kindle-edition/

If things were rocky before, they are on the brink of disaster now!
For starters, after Tremaine dropped the cheating bomb on Steve while he and Renee’ were away in Bali, things began to quickly spiral out of control. Running off pure emotion, Steve finds himself in a situation that will change not only his life forever, but also the lives of those around him…FOREVER!

Renee’ isn’t feeling it! She thinks that all of the drama she’s found herself being involved in since meeting Tremaine has slowly started to throw her life off track. With her therapy sessions going well, she isn’t willing to lose focus on her goals, even if she has found herself falling in love with Tremaine.
For every action there is a reaction and no one could have possibly prepared themselves for the tragedy that comes…

If the shoe doesn’t fit, you don’t force it. So why are we so pushy with love?
