ALICIA DANIELLE – Supreme Works Publications Mon, 10 Apr 2023 22:03:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Damaged: Loving Him Through The Pain Sat, 26 Oct 2019 11:20:52 +0000

Ambitious and Sophisticated, Olivia thought that she had it all. Perfect life and perfect boyfriend. Suddenly, things took a turn for the worst.
In a blink of an eye, her life didn’t seem so perfect when the love that she thought she had with her long-term boyfriend, Jason abruptly ended leaving her in a state of shock.
At first, it seemed as if Olivia had given up all hope on men and life. That was, until her best friend Destinee convinced her that a girl’s trip to Dubai for a week was just what she needed.
Things slowly started to turn around for Olivia in Dubai, making her open her eyes up for the first time in a long time.
That’s when she stumbled across Elijah. He was everything any woman could have dream of in a man.
Handsome, wealthy, and powerful. Elijah was the perfect detraction for Olivia. Only, there was so much more to him then she knew, and later on down the line would find out.
In this novella, embark on the emotional roller coaster with Olivia as she endures the pain of loving a man so much until it physically hurt. Will it be too late for her to see Elijah for who he truly is? Or will the damage already be done?


A Boss Stole My Heart 3 Mon, 19 Aug 2019 23:49:26 +0000

Things between Harlem and Journey really took a turn for the worst when the truth is finally revealed to Harlem, forcing him to do the unthinkable.
Darnel is completely at a loss for words when he finds out that he has been lied to his entire life growing up with calling the wrong man his father. He masks the hurt and head back to North Carolina to seek out for answers only to be slapped in the face with disappointment once he finds them. Now, with knowing the ugly truth, he doesn’t know what to believe anymore. The only thing that’s on his mind now is getting back to Atlanta to come clean and confess everything to Journey. That is, if he can find her.
After the misfortune between the two, Frisco tries to shake his feelings for Breonna and focus more on his sister, Gina’s wellbeing. Everything was going according to plan until Frisco receives some bad news about her that leaves him thinking irrationally.
Breonna on the other hand, is taking the way things ended between her and Frisco pretty hard. If almost getting killed and losing the opportunity of having a relationship with Frisco in the same night wasn’t bad enough, she is forced to deal with her brother Turco, who is back in town to wreak havoc on the person responsible for putting her in the hospital. Her nerves are even more rattled once Turco discovers that Frisco is no longer in the picture. All hell suddenly breaks loose.
In this final installment, see just how everything comes to the light, and boundaries are crossed all for the sake of love.

A Boss Stole My Heart Thu, 20 Jun 2019 16:15:30 +0000

Journey Anderson is determined to get her life back on track after suffering the loss of her mother. When her father walks out of her and her brother Darnel’s life, it leaves the two to fin for themselves.
With the slack now on Darnel to care for Journey, he feels like the weight of the world is placed on his shoulders. He doesn’t let that stop him though, because Journey’s wellbeing is all the motivation that he needs to continue to go hard in the streets and hustle to make a way out of no way for the two. Things quickly start to look up for Darnel when he is offered the opportunity of a life time.
Now fast forward six months later, Journey is finding out firsthand how hard it is to maintain without Darnel by her side every step of the way now that she is a college student living on her own in Atlanta Georgia.
Twenty-Four-Year-Old Harlem “Steel” Cooper has the streets of Atlanta on lock. He has everything that his heart can desire, but no one to share his success with. After suffering a major heartbreak, Harlem puts his guard up and makes a vowel to himself that he will never trust another female with his heart again. He seems to be making good on his promise in shutting women out of his life, until he encounters the beautiful feisty Journey.
At first, the two can’t seem to see eye to eye with each other, but that quickly starts to change after Journey lands the job as the new sitter for Harlem’s little brother Scooter and the two are forced to put their differences aside and be causal with each other for the sake of Scooter.
Frisco is Harlem’s Twenty-Five-Year-Old hot-headed cousin who live by no one rules but his own. With a passion to cause destruction everywhere he goes, Frisco has no desire in changing his malicious way. That’s until he meets Breonna who is equally crazy as him, possibly worst then him.
Casey is Journey’s childhood best friend who falls off the face of the earth one day when her mom decides it was time for a change and the two up and live North Carolina without letting anyone know. At first, Journey is hurt by the news, but then she eventually gets over it.
Now, five years later, Journey is shocked to see her long lost best friend down in Atlanta. The two begin to talk and it’s just like old times again. Journey is happy that the two can rekindle their friendship. Casey on the other hand sees it as an opportunity to help her escape the skeletons that she has hiding in her closet.
With lies and deceit lingering in the air, it’s hard to tell who truly has your back. See how loyalty is tested, and lines get crossed. Find out who has what it takes to love a boss.

A Boss Stole My Heart 2 Wed, 22 May 2019 13:56:28 +0000 Life for Journey Anderson took an unexpected turn for the worst when she gets caught in the middle of a shootout, putting her life in danger.
No one saw it coming, especially not Darnel, who is left in a state of shock when he comes across Journey’s lifeless body lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood; after doing what he thought was just another ordinary hit for him.
Now, with her fighting for her life, the only thing on Darnel’s mind is seeking revenge.
Harlem “Steel” Cooper is on a brink of destruction once an unannounced visit from his ex-longtime girlfriend Asia leaves him speechless once she reveals that he is in fact the father of her child.
Harlem is in denial and refuses to allow Asia to come back into his life and disturb his happiness with Journey. He decides to keep the little information to himself until he is for certain that he is in fact the father of Asia’s daughter.
With Frisco and Breonna’s relationship now in shambles due to her over protective brother Turco metaling, Frisco is having second thoughts on if dealing with Breonna is such a good idea.
Breonna on the other hand feels as though Frisco might just be the one for her, but it’s hard for her to express her true feelings when he just suddenly decides to break things off with her. The two embark on a cat and mouse game with each other in hopes that one will cave and throw in the towel. What happens when things go a little too far? Will they be able to fix their strained relationship, or will they just call it quits?
The chaos continues, and secrets are revealed as the crew try to find their way in part two of this installment. Find out if broken relationships are mended and see just how real things can get when it comes to playing with matters of the heart.

Trap 4 Lyfe: Down To Ride For A Harlem Menace Sun, 03 Feb 2019 16:15:59 +0000

Growing up in Harlem and living life as the daughter of a notorious Kingpin is not all what it’s crack up to be. Especially for Loyalty Mills, who has finally decided that living the dangerous life is something that she no longer wants for herself. But leaving is easier said than done when you have a father like Stoney Mills. Getting out is not always easy.
With the help from her cousin Brooklynn, Loyalty is able to leave Stoney and Harlem behind her for good. Starting fresh in a new state is exactly what Loyalty needed. Until, life took an unexpected turn for the worst and Loyalty is being forced to return back to Harlem seven years later to help take over the family business while Stoney is away. At first, loyalty is against the whole idea of her going back home, but Stoney quickly reminds her just how much of a dirty game he can play when it comes to doing things his way.
After the death of her father, Brooklynn Mills heart has turned cold. Not having a care in the world is how she prefers to live. Being detached from people works better for her then opening her heart, only for them to disappoint her in the end. She’s content with the way she carries herself and doesn’t have any intention on changing.
Turco is the true definition of a menace, and he makes no apologies for it. Being strictly about his money, Turco doesn’t have any room in his heart for love. The streets hold his heart and nothing or no one can come in between that.
Everything seems to be going good for Turco in Atlanta until he gets word that his right hand-man, Havoc is in trouble back home in Harlem. Although, the thought of stepping foot back into Harlem brings back bad memories of his parents, Turco is willing to look past them to help his friend out.
After getting caught up into trouble, Havoc is sent to jail. With Turco now living life in Atlanta, Havoc doesn’t know how he’s is going to get himself out of things. His back is against the wall and for the first time in his life, he doesn’t have anyone to turn to. So, he thought.
Things are not always as they seem to appear, and people are not always who they claim to be. Watch how lies start to unfold and the truth is revealed. Who will come out on top?

My Heart, His Money, & Power: A Hustlers Mentality Thu, 09 Nov 2017 16:17:14 +0000

Being in love with a hustler is never easy. In fact, Nidia “Dia” Johnson is left to find out the hard way when she fell for sexy Jayden Coleman. After witnessing the murder of her older sister in a bank robbery gone wrong set up by the love of her life, Nidia is set to pay the ultimate price of being wrongfully accused for killing her sister.
Now, five years later, twenty-two-year-old Dia is finally being release from prison. Her main focus now is to find answers and seek revenge on the ones who set her up. After being taken through so much, Nidia has every intention on being single for the rest of her life, that’s until she runs into ruthless Loke.
Loke is the man around town, who has no filter on what comes out of his mouth. With a tough childhood being placed in foster care, Loke has become a heartless person. Turning to the streets was the only thing that excited him, or so he thought, until he comes across Nidia who is just as heartless as he is, making Loke think twice that maybe he could be capable of lovingsomeone other than his money.
Dub as always been labeled the pretty boy, but looks can be very deceiving when dealing with someone who has an ulterior motive towards his own family. Tired of being placed in second for everything in his life, Dub is ready to take charge in takinghis own brother Loke down, and won’t stop at nothing until it happens.
Twenty-year-old Ria has had just about enough of her alcoholic abusive mother, so much so, that she is ready to find a way up out of the hell hole she calls home. With having nowhere to go, after getting put out by her own mother, Ria is taken by how nice Dub is to her, and is willing to help her until she is able to stand on her own two feet. like always with men, Ria knows that sooner or later Dub is going to want something in return for him helping her, but she’s not sure if she’s ready to deal with someone like Dub.
In this story, see how lines are crossed, and friendships are Shattered. Watch how money, power, and greed become the root of all evil, and see just who all have down pack the mentality of a hustler to survive this thing called life.

All She Wanted Was A Savage Tue, 19 Sep 2017 16:17:57 +0000

Come take a ride with three adolescents girls as they discover love, heartache, and the mishaps of loving a savage. Sit back and watch how Ariel, Aubrey, and Keisha are taken on an emotional roller coaster when they meet three of Miami’s most powerful men in the streets.
Ariel Carter is a shy timid nineteen-year-old girl who carries the weight of the world on her shoulders. The only thing that keeps her from giving up on life is her two-year-old daughter Cindy. Working hard and taking care of Cindy is Ariel’s main focus, but how is she able to give her child her unconditional love when she has a jealous and possessive man in her life that will stop at nothing but to cause her pain and suffering. After dedicating a year of her life to Neo, Ariel is ready to call it quits, but she knows it’s easier said than done when dealing with him. It’s a chance she’s willing to take when she crosses paths with Nitro, and find herself wanting to know more about him.
Aubrey “Bre” Simmons is not your typical nineteen-year-old girl. In fact, her life has been nothing but hell ever since she first turned the of age sixteen when her father was killed. With not having nowhere to go, Aubrey must move in with her grandma Nina. While staying with her grandma, Aubrey is forced to keep looking over her shoulders in fear. She doesn’t know how much longer she can harbor the deep dark secret she’s been hiding from her grandma since she’s been there. With bills piling up, and her grandma constantly stressing, Aubrey decides it is time for her to help contribute something, thus introducing her to the life of the pole. Now working at the hottest strip club in Miami, Aubrey stumbles across the sexiest pair of gray eyes she has ever seen. With his thuggish demeanor compelling her, Aubrey finds herself ready to finally give love a try.
Keisha “Kush” King is not your average nineteen-year-old girl. She is a very loud outspoken person that you could ever meet. After three long years away from her home town Miami, Keisha is back and ready to mend her broken friendship that she once shared with Aubrey. With not only trying to get her best friend Aubrey back, she is ready to rekindle her bond with her older brother Isaiah who is finally being released from prison after doing three years, but what happens when she runs into his childhood friend Slais who she use to have a major crush on, and still finds him attractive? Will sexy Slais finally give her a chance or does he still see her as a little sister?
In the end, see how friends turn into foes, and how new friendships are formed, while others are torn apart. Will Ariel, Aubrey, and Keisha have what it takes to love a savage? or will they see it as a lesson learned and move on?
