1707 KB – Supreme Works Publications http://www.supremeworkspublications.com Thu, 06 Apr 2023 21:35:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 A True Love Like Ours http://www.supremeworkspublications.com/product/a-true-love-like-ours-kindle-edition/ Tue, 02 Jul 2019 23:16:40 +0000 http://www.supremeworkspublications.com/product/a-true-love-like-ours-kindle-edition/

Chante Wilson is living the best life she could possible live with her wonderful husband and two children at the age of Twenty-five. She has everything that she could ask for and that’s all because of her wonderful husband Rondo. Not having time for herself Chante is determine to make her husband happy and gives him everything that he wants. Thinking that she’s in a healthy marriage Chante thinks that she doesn’t have to worry about a thing, well that’s until she find out that her husband is cheating on her with a close friend. Not knowing if Chante will be able to get through this tough divorce she decides to confide in her best friend Ciara who took it upon herself to set Chante up with Milan.

Milan Hall was a business owner and Chante’s boss who has feelings for her but doesn’t act upon them until the time was right. Milan and Chante instantly clicked outside of work until her ex husband sees them out one day and vowed to make their life a living hell, but that doesn’t stop Milan from loving Chante. Things get a little rocky once he finds out that someone, he used to work for is trying to hurt Chante. Milan is doing everything is his power to protect her and the kids, but will it be enough to save her?
