#4678 – Supreme Works Publications http://www.supremeworkspublications.com Mon, 10 Apr 2023 22:03:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 Rollin’ With A Boss http://www.supremeworkspublications.com/product/rollin-with-a-boss-kindle-edition/ Thu, 24 Nov 2016 16:16:21 +0000 http://www.supremeworkspublications.com/product/rollin-with-a-boss-kindle-edition/

Sidney Noelle was no stranger to struggle. In fact that was a common reoccurring theme in her life with no father around and an angry mother who was more concerned with the men laying in her bed. With Jamel’s shoulder to lean on and the support of his mother, Kimberly, she manages to keep her head up.

Bonded at birth by their mother’s friendship, Jamel had always been Sidney’s protector despite battling his own demons. Struggling to understand the concept of love due to the dynamic of his parent’s relationship, Jamel decided early that it’s not something he’s interested in having in his life.

When tragedy strikes, and brings them together in ways they never imagined, their relationship takes a drastic turn. Just when it seems like Sidney’s luck is turning around, she is forced to pay for her mother’s mistakes yet again, leaving behind everything important to her- including Jamel.
