#211 – Supreme Works Publications http://www.supremeworkspublications.com Thu, 06 Apr 2023 21:36:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 The Streets Don’t Love You Like I Do 2 http://www.supremeworkspublications.com/product/the-streets-dont-love-you-like-i-do-2-kindle-edition/ Fri, 27 Sep 2019 15:10:05 +0000 http://www.supremeworkspublications.com/product/the-streets-dont-love-you-like-i-do-2-kindle-edition/

Bonds have been broken, loyalty has been tested, trust has been damaged and life has been lost. Everything that was once concrete is now in question. Nothing has remained the same in the streets of Baltimore as everyone knew it in the first installment of “The Streets Don’t Love You Like I Do.”
Apple and Saint’s soul ties have been nothing but a rollercoaster ride of chaos, passion, and turmoil. Apple has now had a taste of something refreshing with East but will she be able to or want to escape the addiction her and Saint have created for each other? East’s intentions seem pure but is he really the genuine and authentic man he portrays himself to be?
Buttons will learn even more painful truths that may either change her life forever and further the progress she’s made or make her go back to living reckless and filled with lust.
Milan was left in the hospital with her womb no longer carrying life and feeling complete bitterness. Will she finally restore broken bonds and unlearn her selfish ways or continue down the path of self-destruction with her new habit?
Take a look inside of a realistic, explosive and steamy read that will make you have you take a look into your own morals, principles, and outlook on life and love.
