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Street Love : Still Caught Up With My Street Legend


Never lacking in drama, the Kobaine kids are back and still very much in love.
After being together for 5 years, CJ is pregnant and miserable. Kato is willing to do any and everything to keep her comfortable. The only challenge he faces is out doing all the stuff he has done in the past, and that’s almost impossible.
Kato has something up his sleeve for CJ but what will it be?
The new edition to NJ and Yaya’s family should be a happy time. NJ’s career keeps him away from his family for weeks at a time and that always leads Yaya’s mind to wander. Yaya’s issues will cause her to push NJ away but what will happen when she pushes him too far?
Will NJ be able to make it past Yaya’s mind and prove to her that their love is still strong as ever?
Valentine’s Day is always a special time and this year will be no different!